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Internet / AI Technology University (ITU/AITU)
Slack or WhatsApp integration / Conversational Channel @ ITU

Similar to a web browser, both Slack and WhatsApp are currently freely available and heavily used by people. The choice is yours!

Conversational Semantic Decision Support (CSDS) integrated with AI-assistant allows for creating Workbot and business conversational groups on-the-fly.
AI-assistant can be easily involved in the discussions providing references and asking clarification questions.
Just start your message with the "AI" name. For example, "AI, I am looking for ...".
AI-assistant can also help you searching for specific messages.

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Slack and WhatsApp Conversational Channels with AI-assistant

AI-assistant makes it easy creating WhatsApp conversational groups to increase efficiency of study and development,
marketing and service promotion, establish new channels for different types of business communications.

Enhanced WhatsApp conversations serve to:
- increase efficiency of study and development,
- improve results of marketing and service promotion,
- establish new channels for different types of business communications.