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Current Topic: 7.7.2. What to read and where to learn on Maching Learning
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What to read and where to learn on Maching Learning

Medium: Inside Machine Learning

This site gives you deep-dive articles on a wide range of machine learning topics. From weather predictions to robots, you can explore the top machine learning case studies and get insights
from industry experts. - Graph with Python Gensim - build data science and cognitive computing skills for free today.
Classes are based on an IBM community initiative. Courses include Machine Learning with Apache SystemML.

Coursera online learning

Coursera is an online learning platform that offers courses and degrees in a variety of areas, including machine learning. It works with universities to offer more than 2,000 courses.


MIT has set up a site that includes all of its courses. It is offered at no cost to participants.
You can learn more about machine learning at

Google Research Blog

Google researchers publish a variety of papers on topics related to machine learning and deep learning.
You can learn more about deep learning here:

Kaggle Wiki

The Kaggle Public Wiki is a resource for learning statistics, machine learning, and other data science concepts.
It offers tutorials as well as a platform for data science competitions.
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KDnuggets is a popular site that provides a vast amount of information on analytics and a variety of information on data science.
Check out the content at

Data Science Central

Data Science Central is an online site for big data practitioners.
It includes a community platform with technical forums for information exchange and technical support.
Head to for more information.
Udacity courses on machine learning

Udacity is a for-profit educational organization that offers Massive Open Online Courses online (MOOCs). You can find it at


Immersive data science curriculum includes a dive into machine learning and working on real problems in classification, regression, and clustering by utilizing structured and unstructured data sets. Students discover libraries like scikit-learn, NumPy, and SciPy, and use real-world case studies to root understanding of these libraries to real world applications. Learn more at

edX courses

edX is an MOOC provider. It hosts online university-level courses.
Some of the courses are even offered at no charge.
to find out more about the online "Machine Learning for Data Science and Analytics" course.

The IBM machine learning community can provide you with sources to add to your machine learning knowledge.
For more information, visit these sites: - See how companies are using
machine learning to address challenges and pursue new opportunities. - Get practical know-how to quickly and powerfully apply machine learning to start transforming your business. - Research the capabilities that best meet your needs and learn how collaboration is enabling data science teams to innovate with quick time to value. - Whether you?re a coder interested in the latest open-source capabilities or an analyst looking for drag-and-drop tools to collaborate on data science projects and move quickly, visit the data science community to find the latest best practices and resources to help you succeed. - Keep up to date on the latest meetups in your area, or join a virtual meetup featuring data science experts and sharing.

You can also use social media to stay connected to the data science world. Visit these two communities:
http://Twitter: or @IBMDataScience

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