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Current Topic: How Much Do We Know about world and ourselves
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How Much Do We Know about world and ourselves

Are you overconfident in your beliefs? Here is a simple test to determine if you are. For each of the following ten items, provide a low and a high guess such that you are 90 percent sure the correct answer falls between the two. Your challenge is to be neither too narrow (i.e., overconfident) nor too wide (i.e., under-confident). If you successfully meet the challenge, you should have 10 % misses?that is, exactly one miss.

1. Martin Luther King?s age at death
2. Length of Nile River (in miles)
3. Percentage of African Americans in the U.S.
4. Number of books in the Old Testament
5. Diameter of the moon (in miles)
6. Weight of an empty Boeing 747 (in pounds)
7. Current population of California
8. Year in which Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born
9. Air distance from London to Tokyo (in miles)
10. Deepest known point in the ocean (in feet)

Which side do you belong to?
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Are able to get to the heart of an issue or problem, without being distracted by details.
Have the intellectual courage to face and assess fairly ideas that challenge even their most basic beliefs.
Love truth and are curious about a wide range of issues.
Have the intellectual perseverance to pursue insights or truths, despite obstacles or difficulties.

Are easily distracted and lack the ability to zero in on the essence of a problem.
Fear and resist ideas that challenge their basic beliefs.

Are often relatively indifferent to truth and lack curiosity.
Tend not to persevere when they encounter intellectual obstacles or difficulties.


1. Answer each question and then check it with Google, provide both sides in your comments to each question.
2. Write a short essay "Forecast for the most needed professions for the next 10 years"
3. Create 2 QnA and email with the essay to
Questions and Answers (QnA): QnA1 | QnA2
We offer a fun way to share your experience and be rewarded.
You create a puzzle - quiz with a good question and several answers, one correct and several wrong ones.
The question as well as answers can include text, links, video.
This is your creation, completely up to your taste, humor, and of course your knowledge.
If there is an existing quiz above, you need first to solve the puzzles and evaluate the quality (at the bottom of every quiz).
After finishing the existing quiz you will be able to create your own. The best puzzles will be rewarded!
We invite you to create your own questions and answers (QnA) to increase your rank and win the Top Creativity Prize!

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